Monday, June 7, 2010

Make more with mango

I've always struggled to get the hang of mango. A ripe mango is a mess: it's juicy, it's stringy, it's impossible to separate smoothly from the pit. I know that some folks recommend dicing mango on the peel and then using a spoon to remove the yellow flesh from the skin. However, that has backfired on me several times, resulting in small dice mango that I have to cut free of its green/red/yellow outer layer.

I just hit upon the best way to render small-dice mango: Use the freezer. I pit and quartered a mango, then froze the peeled pieces on wax paper before putting the fruit into a freezer bag. For today's mango salsa recipe, I took out the mango I needed, let it thaw for 15 minutes on the counter, then cut the mostly-frozen mango with a heavy knife. It worked beautifully, and I've finally conquered the stringy mess of mango.

PS: Avocado also freezes nicely, and it doesn't brown! Freeze slices or quarters and take out as much as you need for your recipes.